
Deploying to Heroku

Create a heroku application (called go-graphql-boilerplate in this case)

> heroku create -s container go-graphql-boilerplate

Provision database

> heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

Configure environment variables

> heroku config:set ENVIRONMENT="production"
> heroku config:set IS_HEROKU=true
> heroku config:set GO_SERVES_STATIC=true
> heroku config:set JWT_SECRET="your-jwt-secret"

Even though the above database provisioning command added the DATABASE_URL environment variable for us, the container startup process requies the host of the DB as another environment variable to verify that it is up. To get your DATABASE_URL to figure out the DB host execute:

> heroku config:get DATABASE_URL

This will give you a connection string similar to:

> postgres://username:password@host:5432/dbname

We will extract the host:5432 portion directly after the @ and set it as our POSTGRESS_ADDRESS environment variable:

> heroku config:set POSTGRESS_ADDRESS="host:5432"

Deploy the application

> git push heroku master